Preset Type Torque Wrench with Changeable Head 

  • For assembly and mass-production.
  • Pre-set interchangeable head torque wrenches
  • Accuracy ± 3%
  • The set torque cannot be changed without using a special tool (sold separately), preventing the operator from changing torque by mistake.
  • A wide selection of interchangeable heads, letting you choose the right one for the task and reducing overall purchasing costs.
  • A clear “click” sound signals tightening completion upon reaching the set torque.
  • No external scale, torque set by a torque wrench tester
  • CSP25N3X10D CSP50N3X12D, CSP50N3X15D, CSP100N3X15D and CSP140N3X15D can be used with AH adjustable open-end interchangeable heads.
  • Tohnichi’s interchangeable head torque wrenches can be used with our interchange head line-up, which offers the best selection in the world, making these wrenches ideal for your work.



